Braulio Vertical Tour, Dioli and Faure take over Bormio



Stonger than the perfidious rain that jeopardized the fourth Contest of the season, the ‘Bràulio Vertical Tour 2013’ went on stage in Bormio. The jump perfectly prepared by the BormioSki shapers and the staff of the Tour guided by Luca Cassine was able to resist to the rainfall that began pouring down right before the start of the contest. The athletes didn't get scared and gave vent to the most technical and spectacular contest of the Tour we've been able to see so far: the perfect preface of the super final scheduled for Thursday 14 in Livigno.

The big crowd at the Ski Stadium in Bormio was repaid with an absolute unique show. For the snowboarders all the predictions were made true with Nicola Dioli (the 19-year-old from Caspoggio) who won the first prize showing the best of his bag of tricks. Second place for another amazing rider, Nicholas Bridgman, who made the night sensational. On the bottom step of the podium went up Luca Fiorini, certainly on fire.

The technical content of the freeski contest was very high too. The one who standed out was the French Paul-Eric Faure who dominated the Bormio Contest just like he did the previous year. Second place for Emanuele Galli from Livigno; third place for Elia Guanella, both very well known athletes from around here. Many of them we will see them being leading roles in the big final in Livigno on Thursday 14.

The stage in Bormio proved itself again and not only because the title sponsor of the Tour was playing home. The village in Bormio 2000, the après ski party at ‘BeWhite Après ski’ and the ‘Bràulio Vertical Night’, hosted by the ‘Zeta Pub’ have been literally packed with the fun and entertainment brought by the Tour staff and the 'Braulio Girls'.

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